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Python class1 introduction in Hindi

Python introduction and features

Python के सृजनकर्ता(creator) Guido van Rossum है। यह general purpose, हाई लेवल, डायनामिक, interpreted व objected oriented programming language है जो की 1991 में release की गयी।

Python से क्या किया जा सकता है?

Python का उपयोग कर निम्न applications develop किये जा सकते है।

  1. Software development
  2. Web development

Python Features

  1. Python cross platform सपोर्ट करता है याने इसका उपयोग अलग अलग operating system पर किया जा सकता है जैसे Windows, Linux, Mac OS इत्यादि।
  2. Object Oriented होने के कारण जिन्होंने c++, java, .NET सीखा हुए है वो Python बहुत आसानी से सीख सखते है।
  3. Python open source है इसका मतलब ये free है उपयोग करने के लिए।
  4. यह interpreted language होने के कारण rapid application development में उपयोग किया जाता है।

Download Python

आप python को python की official वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड कर उपयोग कर सकते है। यह फ्री है उपयोग के लिए।

Python Download link: https://python.org

Hello world python example

print("Hello World")

Python versions list and release date

Python 3.8.014 October 2019
Python 3.7.48 July 2019
Python 3.727 June 2018
Python 3.623 December 2016
Python 3.513 September 2015
Python 3.416 March 2014
Python 3.329 September 2012
Python 3.220 February 2011
Python 3.127 June 2009
Python 3.03 December 2008
Python 2.73 July 2010
Python 2.61 October 2008
Python 2.519 September 2006
Python 2.430 November 2004
Python 2.329 July 2003
Python 2.221 December 2001
Python 2.115 April 2001
Python 2.016 October 2000
Python 1.65 September 2000
Python 1.531 December 1997
Python 1.425 October 1996
Python 1.312 October 1995
Python 1.210 April 1995
Python 1.0January 1994
Python 0.9.020 February 1991

English me dekhne ke liye niche diya geya he👇👇

Python introduction and features

 The creator of Python is Guido van Rossum.  It is a general purpose, high level, dynamic, interpreted and objected oriented programming language that was released in 1991.

 What can be done with Python?

 The following applications can be developed using Python.

 Software development

 Web development

 Python Features

 Python supports cross platform ie it can be used on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac OS etc.

 Because of being object oriented, those who have learned c ++, java, .NET can learn Python very easily.

 Python is open source which means it is free to use.

 It is used in rapid application development due to it being interpreted language.

 Download Python

 You can download python from python's official website and use it.  It is free for use.

 Python Download link: https://python.org

 Hello world python example

 print ("Hello World")

 Python versions list and release date

 Python 3.8.014 October 2019Python 3.7.48 July 2019  2.221 December 2001Python 2.115 April 2001Python 2.016 October 2000Python 1.65 September 2000Python 1.531 December 1997Python 1.425 October 1996Python 1.312 October 1995Python 1.210 April 1995Python 1.0January 1994Python 0.9.020 February 1991

Thanks for watching 👍

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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